Become a Major Donor

Your organization can make a meaningful contribution to true effective and efficient nature conservation by investing in Future For Nature’s (FFN) network of winners, selected with care by top international conservation experts.

The Future For Nature Foundation has been designated a Public Benefit Organisation (ANBI status) by the Dutch Tax Office (Belastingdienst). Your donations are therefore tax deductible.

We invest your contribution directly in the Future For Nature’s network of winners, thereby boosting the impact of these conservationist on the future of nature, making your investment meaningful.

There are many different ways to support the Future For Nature Foundation:

  • Financial contributions to the Foundation
  • In-kind contributions (e.g. expertise, software, hardware, special events, media, publications, prizes, artistic performance)

If you are interested in becoming a Major Donor and would like to discuss the possibilities, please contact us through

Find out which companies support our initiative and have already partnered with us Major Donors