Financial Accounts

The Future For Nature Foundation has been designated a Public Benefit Organisation (ANBI status) by the Dutch Tax Office (Belastingdienst). This means that your donations to our foundation can be fully or partially deducted from your Dutch income tax or corporate income tax. We also do not have to pay taxes on your donations or donations that we make to third parties. You can donate by clicking here.

Funds received by the Foundation are spent on:

  • Three annual prizes of €50,000 for promising young conservationists
  • Secretarial expenditures
  • Organising the annual Future For Nature Award Event
  • Publications and other communications on Future For Nature and the work of our current and previous winners.
  • FFN Family Funding

The members of the Future For Nature Board receive no financial rewards for their Future For Nature activities. Future For Nature has no salaried employees. Future For Nature has outsourced its operational activities, whose expenses are covered in line with an annually agreed budget (see also: Jaarrekening 2023 [Dutch]).
The annual accounts are drawn up and approved by an accountant.

Future For Nature Annual report

Annual report 2023

Annual report 2022

Annual report 2021

Annual report 2020

Annual Report 2019

Annual Report 2018

Annual Report 2017

Annual Report 2016

Future For Nature Jaarrekening

Jaarrekening 2023 and ANBI publication report 2023

Jaarrekening 2022 and ANBI publication report 2022

Jaarrekening 2021 and ANBI publication report 2021

Jaarrekening 2020 and ANBI publication report 2020

Jaarrekening 2019

Jaarrekening 2018

Future For Nature Strategic Plan