At the Future For Nature event in 2018, Holland’s internationally well known topmodel Doutzen Kroes, was the Guest of Honour. She spoke of her youth in the North of the Netherlands, growing up on a secluded farm and learning to be environmentally conscious. She later visited Saba Douglas-Hamilton, Chair of the Advisory Board of Save the Elephants in Kenya. Being surrounded by elephants changed her life. She became a supermodel on a mission and started, together with Saba Douglas-Hamilton, the #KnotOnMyPlanet campaign and the Elephant Crisis Fund. Already, she rallied legions of people behind her, and raised over 3 million dollars for the Elephant Crisis Fund! Doutzen Kroes strongly believes that we can make a difference, and that we can be the generation that makes a change. According to her it’s pay-back time!
“Today I have the chance to listen to these amazing young champions that have achieved so much already, and I am so grateful to be a part of that, to be here today. And we should all think of how we could be the wind beneath their wings. I see all of you here and it gives me hope. Hope for a green future where we can live in harmony with the natural world, the life support system that we all depend upon, with all its fascinating diversity of life.”
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The nominees for the 2025 Future For Nature Awards have been announced!
Our National Selection Committee has selected the 2025 Future For Nature Awards nominees. We proudly introduce the seven nominees and their inspiring conservation work