Nominees Future For Nature Award 2016
The nominees are informed by the selection and we are proud to present our seven nominees for the Future for Nature Award 2016 to you:
1) Naftali Honig (USA) – coordinator of #PALF (Project for the Application of Law for Fauna) and working with snifferdogs in Congo
2) Tiasa Adhya (India) – working on the protection of #fishingcats in India
3) Thai van Nguyen (Vietnam) – founder of the NGO Save Vietnams Wildlife and working on the protection of the pangolin amongst other species in Vietnam
4) Andrew Michael Lemieux (USA) – working in Uganda with Law Enforcement
5) Kerstin Forsberg (Peru) – co-founder of Planeta Oceano and working protect to Manta Ray and to conserve and restore coastal and marine environments in Peru
6) Wietse van de Werf (Netherlands) – founder of The Black Fish and working to end illegal overfishing
7) Matthews Shirley (USA, photo) – also nominated for the FFN Awards 2015 and working on evolutionary history and conservation of crocodiles in West Africa
The members of our International Selection Committee with chair Saba Douglas Hamilton are busy with the final selection. By the end of December 2015 we will present the three winners.