Credits: Marco Carè


The Board of the Future For Nature (FFN) Foundation is supported by FFN Office and FFN Volunteers in its day-to-day work. For the Award selection process the Foundation also has a National and International Selection Committee. A Board of Recommendation gives expert advice when necessary and the Future For Nature Academy actively inspires students across the Netherlands by organising activities related to nature conservation. FFN also has a worldwide network of young nature conservationists and about 100 FFN Friends and several Major Donors.

Future For Nature is a member of GlobeGuards, an alliance of small, internationally oriented nature conservation organisations.

IUCN Member
Future For Nature is an official member of IUCN global. The IUCN membership is composed of governments and civil society organisations, which are united under the common goal of protecting nature and conserving life on Earth.

Conservation Connect
Future For Nature is partner of the Conservation Connect platform that provides grantmakers with tools to work better, faster and increase the impact of their grants.