Perspective: Movie Sidik and the Panther

In the documentary ‘Sidik and the Panther’ the viewer is shown that nature conservation is not only about nature, and species protection. Nature conservation is also about hope, hope for a better future, in an area that has always been known by the Kurds for its conflict. Hope for light after a dark period of time.
In this documentary the main character, a man called Sidik, takes you on his pursuit for hope: finding the Persian leopard. If the leopard is documented again in Northern Iraq, the region can be declared a national park and the mountains can be protected.
During his years of searching, Sidik is repeatedly told that the Persian leopard has been seen in the mountains, but these stories are about sightings from years ago. Nevertheless, nothing prevents him from giving up. Today Sidik is still searching, but not alone. Hana Raza (Award winner 2017) helps his search from a scientific perspective.
The return of the leopard is a sign of peace. Peace and serenity returns for the Kurds when the Persian leopard is spotted again.
In addition to the inspiring and hope giving story of Sidik, the documentary is also visually and emotionally stimulating. The mountainous landscapes are breath taking and the viewer experiences a laugh, but also a tear.