Award Event 2014

Credits: Roy Borghouts
We are proud of the three winners of the Future For Nature Awards 2014: Bronwyn Maree from South-Africa, Caleb Ofori Boateng from Ghana and Leela Hazzah from Kenia. They presented their work on the 25th of April 2014 in Royal Burgers’ Zoo in the Netherlands. They received the awards from our Guest of Honour, Dr Iain Douglas-Hamilton. Of course the chair of the International Selection Committee, Saba Douglas-Hamilton, was present as well. Please, have a look on the pictures to get an impression of the amazing Future for Nature Award 2014 show.
- Credits: Roy Borghouts
- Credits: Roy Borghouts
- Credits: Roy Borghouts
- Credits: Roy Borghouts
- Credits: Roy Borghouts
- Credits: Roy Borghouts
- Credits: Roy Borghouts
- Credits: Roy Borghouts
- Credits: Roy Borghouts
- Credits: Roy Borghouts
- Credits: Roy Borghouts
- Credits: Roy Borghouts