Award Event 2011

The Future For Nature Award Event 2011 took place on Tuesday, 5th of April.
About 400 people attended the Award Event and listened to all the amazing stories, with Frans de Waal as Guest of Honour.
This year’s Future For Nature Award winners were again true conservationists, believing in preserving the earth and making real changes on the ground. These people are: Barbara Galletti (Chile), Ofir Drori(Israel/Cameroon) and Corneille Ewango (DR Congo). Due to serious bureaucratic problems, Corneille Ewango unfortunately couldn’t make it to the event. His professor from Wageningen University Frans Bongers received the prize on his behalf and held an excellent presentation on Corneille’s work.
- Credits: R.W. Hermanus
- Credits: R.W. Hermanus
- Credits: R.W. Hermanus
- Credits: R.W. Hermanus
- Credits: R.W. Hermanus
- Credits: R.W. Hermanus