Award Event 2016

A great show and event it was indeed, the Future For Nature Awards event 2016. The winners, Wietse van der Werf from the Netherlands, Matthew Shirley from the US and Thai Van Nguyen from Vietnam presented their work and inspired the audience with their speeches. Ofir Drori (Guest of Honour) held a passionate speech, that made almost everybody in the audience tear up. Saba Douglas-Hamilton, the only female on the stage this year, handed over the awards and spoke the following words:
“We need to help people feel conservation in their hearts. For it’s only when people LOVE something that they will go out of their way to protect it”.
- Credits: Roy Borghouts
- Credits: Roy Borghouts
- Credits: Roy Borghouts
- Credits: Roy Borghouts
- Credits: Roy Borghouts
- Credits: Roy Borghouts
- Credits: Roy Borghouts
- Credits: Theo Kruse
- Credits: Roy Borghouts